Tuesday, May 25, 2010

letters to my life

After watching an episode of Jimmy Fallon, I realized that I love his segment of thank you notes that he writes. So, I took my own spin of that and decided to write some letters to my life... This may be a reoccurring post theme. It is kinda therapeutic:)

Dear Watermelon,
Thank you for being so sweet and delicious, and for welcoming summer in a tasty way.
Dear Little Herb Garden,
Thank you for finally sprouting, and giving me the hope of some very yummy dinners to come, and a little less money spent at the grocery store.
Dear Stubborn Strawberries,
Will you please catch up to your little herb friends?
(do you see the two tiny leaves?)

Dear Sales Man,
I'm sorry I couldn't buy magazines from you, but when you walk away from me like that my sympathy goes away.

Dear IRS,
When you send my a letter asking me to fax you something... turn on your fax machine!

Dear Cheap Diapers,
I might as well leave my baby naked.

Dear Sweet Shawn,
Thank you for motivating me to get off my patoot and exercise!

Dear Endurance,
Where did you go?

Dear Lost,
Thank you for six wonderful seasons

Dear Leilah,
Thank you for not crying in the morning, and for greeting each new day with a smile!

1 comment:

Kam said...

oh my heck those are hilarious. I love it. I have to admit that shirt is pretty cute!:)